Drugs between adolescents and young adults: a study with teachers from a settlement in Central Brazil


  • Lucí­ola Silva Sandim
  • Stéfany Martins Silva
  • Breno Marçal de Araújo
  • Paulie Marcelly Ribeiro dos Santos
  • Elisângela Franciscon Naves
  • Marcos André de Matos




Drugs, Teacher, Teenager


Objective: to identify among the teachers of a settlement in Central Brazil the discussion on the topic of drugs among adolescents and young adults. Method: cross-sectional study carried out from February 2017 to May 2018 conducted with 21 teachers with more than six months of experience in school, from a Public Teaching Institution in an agrarian reform settlement. Results: Regarding the harm of drug use, the majority (76.2%) answered that they know. As for the acquisition of information about student users using drugs inside or near the school environment by teachers, it was reported by more than half of those investigated. Conclusion: It is believed that managers, driven by the research findings, in partnership with the educational and health institutions of the settlement, will be able to implement and develop discussions about the use and harm of drugs among teachers, students and family members residing in the settlement.

Author Biographies

Lucí­ola Silva Sandim

Nurse. Master in Nursing Care. Professor at the State University of Goiás. Campus Itumbiara and UNICERRADO - University Center of Goiatuba.

Stéfany Martins Silva

Nurse. Master in Health Care and Evaluation by the Faculty of Nursing of the Federal University of Goiás. Teacher by the Education Department of the Federal District.

Breno Marçal de Araújo

Nursing Student. Goiás State University. Campus Itumbiara.

Paulie Marcelly Ribeiro dos Santos

Nurse. Doctoral student in Nursing Care. Graduate Program in Nursing. Faculty of Nursing, Federal University of Goiás.

Elisângela Franciscon Naves

Nurse. Master in Nursing Care. Professor at the State University of Goiás. Campus Itumbiara.

Marcos André de Matos

Nurse. PhD in Health Sciences. Professor at the Faculty of Nursing at Federal University of Goiás.



How to Cite

Silva Sandim, L. ., Martins Silva , S. ., Marçal de Araújo, B. ., Ribeiro dos Santos, P. M. ., Franciscon Naves, E. ., & de Matos, M. A. (2020). Drugs between adolescents and young adults: a study with teachers from a settlement in Central Brazil. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 23(266), 4318–4329. https://doi.org/10.36489/nursing.2020v23i266p4318-4329



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