Atendimento de gestantes na atenção primária a saúde pela enfermagem durante a pandemia do SARS-COV-2


  • Mirelly Shatilla Misquita
  • Patricia Gomes da Silva
  • Geovana de Abreu Braz
  • Anna Beatriz de Almeida Gomes Sousa
  • Dilene Fontele Catunda Melo
  • Francisca Nellie de Paula Melo



Coronavirus Infections, Health Education, Prenatal Care


Objective: Describe the role of nurses in carrying out prenatal consultations during the pandemic within the scope of Primary the Health Care. Method: Descriptive study, an experience report. The same occurred in the period from March 2020 until June 2020 in the micro-region of the Sertões de Crateús, Ceara. Results: The nursing professional plays an important role in guiding the entire population, especially pregnant women, who are at risk and are still attending the unit with certain frequency. Under this bias, health education in times of pandemic has focused on preventive measures against the SARS-Cov-2 virus. Conclusion: In this way, the strategy used qualifies as a useful instrument with easy access and that generates impacts on the population. Enabling a continuous intervention in patient care, with regard to prenatal care, the spread of knowledge, acts in a way to promote health and prevent injuries.

Biografia do Autor

Mirelly Shatilla Misquita

Graduanda, Discente da Faculdade Princesa do Oeste.

Patricia Gomes da Silva

Graduanda, Discente da Faculdade Princesa do Oeste.

Geovana de Abreu Braz

Graduanda, Discente da Faculdade Princesa do Oeste.

Anna Beatriz de Almeida Gomes Sousa

Graduanda, Discente da Faculdade Princesa do Oeste.

Dilene Fontele Catunda Melo

Enfermeira. Mestra, Docente da Faculdade Princesa do Oeste.

Francisca Nellie de Paula Melo

Enfermeira. Doutora. Docente, da Faculdade Princesa do Oeste (FPO).



Como Citar

Shatilla Misquita, M. ., Gomes da Silva, P. ., de Abreu Braz, G. ., de Almeida Gomes Sousa, A. B. ., Fontele Catunda Melo, D. ., & Nellie de Paula Melo, F. . (2020). Atendimento de gestantes na atenção primária a saúde pela enfermagem durante a pandemia do SARS-COV-2 . Nursing Edição Brasileira, 23(269), 4723–4730.



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