Motivation of men in search of assistance provided by the family health strategy


  • Patrick Leonardo Nogueira da Silva
  • Emily Loyara Grilo Silva
  • Veridiana Martins Santos
  • Ana Patrí­cia Fonseca Coelho Galvão
  • Valdira Vieira de Oliveira
  • Carolina dos Reis Alves



Masculinity, Men's health, Primary health care


Objective: to investigate the motivation of men in search of assistance provided by the Family Health Strategy. Method: a descriptive study, exploratory, with a quantitative approach, performed in a family health team in which the sample included 30 men registered in the coverage area. A semi-structured questionnaire was used in which the data were analyzed according to descriptive epidemiology. Results: these are men between 20-74 years; married; elementary school; predominance mason profession in which 67% work in the daytime. Of popular services, 68% correspond to medicine whose motivation demand was for consultations and exam. As for complicating factors, there is the strength of men; lack of time due to the hard work; and convenience. Conclusion: the motivation of men by demand service occurred curative nature of actions with a predominance of acute complaints where preventive practices are not part of everyday life.

Author Biographies

Patrick Leonardo Nogueira da Silva

Nurse, Master's Student at the Postgraduate Program in Primary Health Care at the State University of Montes Claros (PPGCPS / UNIMONTES). Montes Claros, MG, Brazil.

Emily Loyara Grilo Silva

Nurse by the Faculdades Unidas do Norte de Minas (FUNORTE). Montes Claros, MG, Brazil.

Veridiana Martins Santos

Nurse by the Faculdades Unidas do Norte de Minas (FUNORTE). Montes Claros, MG, Brazil.

Ana Patrí­cia Fonseca Coelho Galvão

Nurse, Master in Health and Environment, Professor in the Nursing Department at Ceuma University (UNICEUMA). São Luí­s, MA, Brazil.

Valdira Vieira de Oliveira

Nurse, Master of Nursing, Professor of the Nursing Department at Faculdade Santo Agostinho (FASA). Montes Claros, MG, Brazil.

Carolina dos Reis Alves

Nurse, PhD in Health Sciences, Professor in the Nursing Department at Faculdade Santo Agostinho (FASA). Montes Claros, MG, Brazil.



How to Cite

Nogueira da Silva, P. L. ., Loyara Grilo Silva, E. ., Martins Santos, V. ., Fonseca Coelho Galvão, A. P. ., Vieira de Oliveira, V. ., & dos Reis Alves, C. . (2021). Motivation of men in search of assistance provided by the family health strategy. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 24(274), 5377–5388.



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