Analysis of nursing care records in the post-anesthetic recovery room


  • Raphael Florindo Amorim Universidade Federal de Roraima
  • Stefane Ferreira de Souza
  • Ana Cláudia Schuab Faria de Paula
  • Layara Gomes Rodrigues



Surgery Center, Post-Anesthetic Recovery, Nursing Records, Nurse, Nursing Care


Objective: to analyze the method of nursing registration performed in the medical record of patients admitted to the Post-Anesthetic Recovery Room of a General Hospital in the far North of Brazil. Method: Descriptive study, documentary type with a quantitative approach. Results: Of the 24 medical records analyzed, 91.66% had a care systematization form partially filled in and 8.33% did not contain the form or note of vital parameters. With legal and ethical identification, 91.67% of the medical records and 87.5% used only recognized abbreviations. 41.67% of the records were illegible and 91.67% had blank lines. Conclusion: The medical record instrument used in the operating room by nurses proved to be limited and incomplete, not complying with the Cofen guide for postoperative registration or with the recommendations of SOBECC and the Brazilian Association of Surgical/Anesthetic Recovery Nurses, showing fragility in the nursing care provided.

Author Biographies

Raphael Florindo Amorim, Universidade Federal de Roraima

Bachelor and Master in Nursing. Professor at the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at the Health Science Center at the Federal University of Roraima, Brazil. Boa Vista (RR).

Stefane Ferreira de Souza

Bachelor of Nursing, Specialist in Family Health, Nurse at the Maternity Hospital in Boa Vista (RR).

Ana Cláudia Schuab Faria de Paula

Bachelor of Nursing, Master of Nursing. Nurse at the Brazilian Hospital Services Company - EBSERH. Uberlândia (MG).

Layara Gomes Rodrigues

Bachelor of Nursing, Specialist in Occupational Nursing. Intensive Care Nurse at the São José do Calçado State Hospital and Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Guaçuí­ (ES).



How to Cite

Florindo Amorim, R., Ferreira de Souza, S. ., Schuab Faria de Paula, A. C. ., & Gomes Rodrigues, L. . (2021). Analysis of nursing care records in the post-anesthetic recovery room. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 24(279), 6101–6114.



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