Challenges and competences of nurses in palliative care in primary health care


  • Camila Mumbach de Melo
  • Kelly Meller Sangoi
  • Janaina Kunzler Kochhann
  • Lilian Zielke Hesler
  • Rosane Teresinha Fontana



Palliative care, Primary Health Care, Community health nursing


Objective: to identify knowledge, skills and challenges faced by nurses in Family Health Strategies about palliative care. Method: qualitative exploratory study carried out in the second semester of 2018 with 24 nurses working in 24 municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul. Data collection was performed through an online questionnaire and analyzed by thematic analysis. Results: they suggest that the main challenges comprise incipient knowledge on the theme, lack of technical and scientific preparation and the absence of a multidisciplinary team in the services they operate. Regarding the necessary skills, care planning and execution, technical and scientific knowledge and establishing a comprehensive patient care plan stood out. Conclusion: It is believed that it will help municipal health managers to perceive palliative care as strategies in the feasibility, conduction and implementation of innovative care proposals based on the precepts of this practice, enabling propositional actions to users.

Author Biographies

Camila Mumbach de Melo

Nurse. Resident in Urgency and Emergency/ Intensivism Hospital de Clí­nicas de Passo Fundo. Passo Fundo/ RS.

Kelly Meller Sangoi

Oncology Nurse, Intensivist and Palliative Care. Master in Health Sciences PUC/ RS. Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguay and the Missions. Campus Santo Ângelo. Santo Ângelo/ RS.

Janaina Kunzler Kochhann

Nurse. Postgraduate in health of the UNINTER Family. Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguay and the Missions. Campus Santo Ângelo. Santo Ângelo/ RS.

Lilian Zielke Hesler

Nurse. PhD in Nursing UFRGS. Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguay and the Missions. Campus Santo Ângelo. Santo Ângelo/ RS.

Rosane Teresinha Fontana

Nurse. PhD in Nursing UFRGS. Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguay and the Missions. Campus Santo Ângelo. Santo Ângelo/ RS.



How to Cite

Mumbach de Melo, C. ., Meller Sangoi, K. ., Kunzler Kochhann, J. ., Zielke Hesler, L. ., & Teresinha Fontana, R. . (2021). Challenges and competences of nurses in palliative care in primary health care. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 24(277), 5833–5846.



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