Nurse: actor in social entrepreneurships


  • Hélio Martins do Nascimento Filho
  • Daniela Tinti Moreira Borges
  • Fabí­ola Arantes Ferreira
  • Lara Mendes Chaer Rezende Costa
  • Elisângela Soares da Silva Reis
  • Flávia Carla Takaki Cavichioli



Innovation, Nursing, Nursing education research


Introduction: The social entrepreneur is an agent of change that inspires others to engage around a common cause and supports the improvement of environments where resources are scarce. Nurses carry out social entrepreneurship, as they seek innovative solutions and seek social sustainability. Objective: to discuss the role of the nurse as an actor in social entrepreneurship. Method: Descriptive and qualitative study of an integrative literature review in Pubmed, Lilacs, Scielo and Spell indexer databases, between 2010 and 2020 on social entrepreneurship and nursing. Results: Twenty researches were found, of which 25% portray the entrepreneurial characteristics of academics, teachers and nurses; 25% addresses entrepreneurship in the training of nurses; 15% of the studies bring national and international information on the subject. Conclusion: It is essential to discuss the role of nurses as social entrepreneurs, their training and performance for their empowerment in health care.

Author Biographies

Hélio Martins do Nascimento Filho

Nurse. Master in Science, Technology and Management Applied to Tissue Regeneration by Unifesp. Nurse at the Family Health Unit / USF in Conselheiro Lafaiete – MG. Professor at the Postgraduate Course in Dermatological Nursing with Emphasis on Wound Treatment at FAIPE Faculty (Cuiabá-MT).

Daniela Tinti Moreira Borges

Nurse. Professional Master in Science from UNIFESP/SP; Stomal therapist, by FAMERP/SP (2019). Professor of the Undergraduate Nursing Course at AEMS (Integrated Faculties of Três Lagoas/MS).

Fabí­ola Arantes Ferreira

Nurse. Master in Nursing in Intensive Care, graduated in Nursing from UEMG.

Lara Mendes Chaer Rezende Costa

Specialist in General Surgery and Angiology and Vascular Surgery, graduated in: Medicine from the Faculty of Medical Sciences and Health of Juiz de Fora.

Elisângela Soares da Silva Reis

Specialist in Medium High Complexity Nursing - Stomatherapy from UFMG and in Emergency Urgency and Trauma Nursing from PUC de Minas Gerais (2011). She is currently a Nurse at Hospital Sofia Feldman.

Flávia Carla Takaki Cavichioli

Nurse. Master in Science, Technology and Management Applied to Tissue Regeneration by UNIFESP.



How to Cite

Martins do Nascimento Filho, H., Tinti Moreira Borges , D. ., Arantes Ferreira , F. ., Mendes Chaer Rezende Costa, L. ., Soares da Silva Reis, E. ., & Takaki Cavichioli , F. C. . (2021). Nurse: actor in social entrepreneurships. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 24(279), 6063–6074.



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