Alívio da dor e sofrimento psicológico em oncologias pediátricas: uma revisão sistemática
Cancer, Pediatrics, Pediatric AssistantsAbstract
Objective: to identify interventions to reduce pain and psychological distress in pediatric oncology patients during needle procedures. Method: A systematic review was conducted between November 11, 2020 and May 17, 2021 in MEDLINE and PsyclNFO. We included: primary studies with behavioral and/or pharmacological interventions without restricting language or year of publication and excluded: secondary and duplicates. Results: After eligibility, 26 studies formed the synthesis. Family contact, medical clowning, looking away, music therapy, virtual reality and hypnosis were the main psychological techniques. Pharmacological methods were considered effective: fentanyl with etomidate, low dose oral or nasal spray of midazolam, and acetaminophen syrup. The combination of lidocaine and prilocaine with hypnosis was shown to be effective in reducing fear and pain, as well as midazolam associated with video games or music books. Conclusion: The way to reduce psychological pain and suffering is a complex process and there may be a synergism between psychological and pharmacological interventions.