Categorização dos pontos estratégicos da fisiologia de voo para o transporte aeromédico
Knowledge management, Training, Air Rescue, Physiology, NursesAbstract
Objective: To categorize the strategic points of flight physiology that may interfere with aeromedical transport.
Method: This is an integrative literature review study, based on the PRISMA model - Preferred Reporting ltems for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analyses. The search for articles was carried out in August and September 2021. Result: 1 O works were used,
listed in six categories: (i) Altitude; (ii) Common areas that need attention; (iii) Acceleration Forces; (iv) Hypoxia, (v) Preparation for
the patient's flight; (vi) Humidity, Temperature and Gravity. Conclusion: Transportation in fixed-wing aircraft requires knowledge
of flight physiology, potential changes in altitude, specific recommendations, health care team and crew trained to recognize
and intervene. As well as having advanced practices, share information, maximize safety and quality processes in the hypobaric