Representações sociais de puérperas sobre as mamas no aleitamento




Período pós-parto, Aleitamento materno, Glândulas mamárias humanas, Enfermagem


Objective: To apprehend social representations of postpartum women about their breasts during the breastfeeding period. Method: Qualitative research, based on the theory of social representations. The free word association test was used, applied to 95 postpartum women in a Normal Delivery Center in Salvador-Ba, from November 2017 to February 2018. The analysis of the structure of social representations was carried out from the tree of similarity of free evocations. Results: The postpartum women's social representations about the breasts are markedly pain and size, influenced by peripheral elements that involve the act of breastfeeding and health, being associated with their beliefs, knowledge and affective values. Participants recognize that the breasts are important parts of the body that require daily care. Conclusion: The findings corroborate new perspectives on subjectivities that involve breastfeeding, which may guide health care practices that contribute to satisfaction as a nursing mother.

Author Biographies

Cintia Michelle Alexandria Nepomuceno, Especialista em Enfermagem Obstétrica

Rogéria Caetano de Carvalho, Centro Universitário Estácio da Bahia, Brasil

Andreia Silva Rodrigues, Doutora em Enfermagem pela Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil.

Simone Santos Souza, Mestre em Enfermagem e Saúde pela Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil. Centro Universitário Jorge Amado



How to Cite

Michelle Alexandria Nepomuceno, C. ., Caetano de Carvalho, R. ., Silva Rodrigues, A. ., Santos Souza, S., Sueli Santos Suto , C. ., & Peixoto de Almeida Brandão , S. . (2022). Representações sociais de puérperas sobre as mamas no aleitamento. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 25(284), 7038–7031.



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