Indicações do uso do Cateter Central de Inserção Periférica no adulto crítico
Adulto, Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, Cateteres, EnfermeiroAbstract
Objective: To present the indications for the use of the Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter in critically ill adult patients. Method: This is an integrative literature review carried out at the Virtual Health Library, PubMed and EBSCO, resulting in a sample of ten articles published between July 2014 and July 2019. Result: The Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter has several indications and its use has grown in adult Intensive Care Units. Conclusion: This is a promising technology in the treatment of critically ill adults affected by various diseases, providing more comfort during treatment and with a high level of evidence. In addition to being safe, efficient, and cost-effective, it can be punctured by a qualified nurse, at the bedside, avoiding the risks associated with transport and bringing a new dimension of care to nurses. It is a viable alternative to replace the Central Venous Catheter, however its choice must be made judiciously.