Os sentidos do trabalho para enfermeiras no cotidiano da profissão





Educação Permanente em Saúde, Sentidos do Trabalho, Enfermagem


Objective: Identify the meanings of work attributed to nurses in their daily work routines. Methodology: The study approach was presented in a qualitative way and data collection proceeded through individual interviews with nine participants. The analysis categories were composed in the work senses axis and its six constructs (social utility, learning and development opportunities, autonomy, cooperation and relationship with other employees). Results: The six constructs were identified and correlated with the work routine of each professional. The results indicated that the meaning of work for each professional has polysemic and often confronting characteristics. Considerations: This research contributes to discussions regarding the awareness of professional nurses about the meanings of work and the essence of care for the profession.

Author Biography

Ana Claudia Delfini Capistrano de Oliveira , Doutora em Sociologia Política, Docente, Itajaí (SC).



How to Cite

Delfini Capistrano de Oliveira , A. C. ., Ana da Cunha Kersten , M. ., Rebello , R. ., Aparecida Pereira , S. ., & Regina Raitz, T. . (2022). Os sentidos do trabalho para enfermeiras no cotidiano da profissão. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 25(285), 7120–7133. https://doi.org/10.36489/nursing.2022v25i285p7120-7133



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