Perfil de usuários da atenção primária acerca do serviço de eletrocardiograma com laudo por telecardiologia
Eletrocardiograma, Telemedicina, Cardiopatias, Atenção primária a saúdeAbstract
Objective: to identify the profile of primary care users about the electrocardiogram service with telecardiology reports. Method: this is an article originated from a course conclusion work (monograph), this is a descriptive, exploratory, documentary study with a quantitative approach, conducted with 31 patients from a city from Minas Gerais who underwent electrocardiogram with telecardiology report in a Family Health Strategy. The data search was conducted during the 1st semester of 2018, between the months of March and May. The data were discussed according to simple descriptive epidemiology uni-variate non-parametric and non-probabilistic. Results: There was a prevalence of female gender, mean age of 49.8 years and overweight. The most prevalent self-reported comorbidities were hypertension and family history. Chest pain, burning, pricking, tingling and decompensated blood pressure were the main complaints for the exam and the most prevalent diagnosis was normality. Conclusion: despite the fact that most of the exams showed no alterations, socioeconomic, metabolic and genetic variables are risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases.