Factors associated with vaginal canediasis in pregnant women: What the publications exhibit





Candidiasis, Gestation, Prevalence, Risk factors


Objective: to analyze the factors associated with vaginal candidiasis in pregnant women. Method: This is an integrative literature review carried out at PubMed. The descriptors were used: “pregnant women”, pregnancy, candidiasis, “candidiasis, vulvovaginal”. At the end, 07 studies were selected and the search period took place between the months of November and December 2021. Results: vulvovaginal candidiasis had an average general prevalence of candidiasis of 51.71% of the cases mentioned in the studies. Among the clinical manifestations of candidiasis, there is an altered discharge, intense itching, dysuria, irritation or burning and pelvic pain. Conclusion: Candida albicans was the most frequently identified yeast strain, but other species were also described, such as C krusei, C. glabrata, Candida parapsilosis and C. tropicalis. Candidiasis is not lethal, but the symptoms can define the clinical diagnosis of candidiasis, in pregnancy, early diagnosis guides efficient treatment and contributes to improving the prognosis of the pregnant woman. Keywords: Candidiasis; Gestation; Prevalence; Risk factors.

Author Biographies

Débora Lorena Melo Pereira

Nurse. Federal University of Maranhão. Graduate student in nursing at the Federal University of Maranhão. Caxias, MA.

Bruna Lopes Bezerra

Nurse at the State University of Maranhão. Caxias, MA

Bruna de Castro Cruz Machado

Nursing student at the State University of Maranhão – UEMA. Caxias, MA.

Gabriel Rodrigues Côra

Graduating in nursing at UniFacema. Caxias, MA.

Luciana Magna Barbosa Gonçalves de Jesus

 Nurse. Specialist in Management of Clinics in Health Regions at Hospital Sírio Libanês

José de Ribamar Ross

Nurse. Doctor in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Medical Sciences Santa Casa de São Paulo – FCMSCSP. Caxias, MA.



How to Cite

Melo Pereira, D. L., Bezerra, B. L., de Castro Cruz Machado, B., Rodrigues Côra, G., Barbosa Gonçalves de Jesus, L. M., & de Ribamar Ross, J. (2022). Factors associated with vaginal canediasis in pregnant women: What the publications exhibit. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 25(290), 8151–8162. https://doi.org/10.36489/nursing.2022v25i290p8151-8162



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