Level of assistance complexity of the elderly interned: Care profile inclinics a university hospital





Classification, Nursing care, Hospitalization, Elderly


Objective: To know the level of care complexity of hospitalized elderly. Methods: This is a retrospective, descriptive study carried out on files of 161 elderly people admitted to a University Hospital, between January and April 2018. Sociodemographic, clinical, lifestyle and patient classification system proposed by Fugulin were investigated. and collaborators. The research is approved by the Research Ethics Committee of HUUFMA nº 2.306.474. Results: The profile found was: female (64.59%), with a mean age of 70.1 (± 6.8), low education (59.01%) and low income (72.67%), sedentary ( 67.70%), altered blood pressure levels (54.03%) and pre-sarcopenic (39.13%). Cardiovascular diseases (31.0%) as a cause of hospitalization. The level of care complexity was minimal care (63.4%) and the most affected care areas were vital signs, food, body care and therapy. Conclusion: The elderly required minimal nursing care, even with a diagnosis of heart disease and unfavorable sociodemographic and clinical conditions.

Author Biographies

Lucas Antônio de Oliveira Cantanhede

Specialist in Medical and Surgical Clinics. Nurse, Intensive Care Hospital (HCI). São Luís – MA, Brazil.

Andréa Cristina Oliveira Silva

PhD in Science. Professor, Federal University of Maranhão. São Luís – MA, Brazil.

Maria Lúcia Holanda Lopes

PhD in Public Health. Professor, Federal University of Maranhão. São Luis – MA, Brazil

Poliana Pereira Costa Rabelo

PhD in Science. Professor, Federal University of Maranhão. São Luis – MA, Brazil.

Rafael de Abreu Lima

Master in Collective Health. Professor, Federal University of Maranhão. São Luis – MA, Brazil.

Ana Karoline Moreira

Student, Federal University of Maranhão. São Luís – MA, Brazil.



How to Cite

de Oliveira Cantanhede, L. A., Oliveira Silva, A. C., Holanda Lopes, M. L., Costa Rabelo, P. P., de Abreu Lima, R., & Moreira, A. K. (2022). Level of assistance complexity of the elderly interned: Care profile inclinics a university hospital. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 25(291), 8288–8303. https://doi.org/10.36489/nursing.2022v25i291p8288-8303



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