Clinical and epidemiological profile of patients assisted in a maternal intensive care unit in the federal district




Intensive care units, Obstetrics, Health profile


Objective: To characterize the profile of patients referred to the Maternal ICU of a public hospital in the Federal District. Method: quantitative study of descriptive, cross-sectional and analytical nature, based on retrospective secondary data obtained through the Maternal ICU admissions book of the Materno Infantil Hospital of Brasilia, making a comparison between the year of creation June 2013-2014 and June 2019-2020. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed using absolute frequency and relative frequency. Results: The data evidenced public attended is exclusively female, with a higher prevalence of the age group between 20 and 29 years old, with an average of 30.27 years old. The prevalent diagnosis was preeclampsia (17.12%). Transfer to other sectors of the same hospital was the main outcome. Conclusion: Direct obstetric causes represent most of the hospitalizations in the sector. In general, they are young women and with priority diagnosis of hypertensive syndromes.

Author Biographies

Polyana Martins Santos Pereira

Graduated in Nursing from ESCS - School of Health Sciences. Student of the Uniprofessional Residency Program in Nursing in Obstetrics by (ESCS) and Foundation for Teaching and Research in Health Sciences (FEPECS). Health Department of the Federal District (SES-DF).

Moises Wesley de Macedo Pereira

Nurse. Master in Medical Sciences from the University of Brasília (UnB). Professor at the Higher School of Health Sciences (ESCS). Brasilia, DF, Brazil.

Antonio Carlos Andrade Silva

Nurse. Specialist in Intensive Care. Preceptor of the School of Health Sciences (ESCS), Brasília, DF, Brazil

Ana Lígia da Silva Sousa

Nurse. Specialist in obstetric nursing by Escs/fepecs. Nurse at the obstetric center of the mother and child hospital in Brasília - hmib

Hygor Alessandro Firme Elias

Biologist and Nurse - Bachelor's Degree from the University of Brasília-UnB. Specialist in Obstetrics. Master's student at Instituto Israelita Albert Einstein. Tutor of the Uniprofessional Program of Obstetric Nursing SES-DF, Brazil.

Kelly da Silva Cavalcante Ribeiro

Nurse. Master in Health Science from the Superior School of Health Science of DF - ESCS/DF. Coordinator of the obstetric nursing residency at the Escola Superior de Ciência da Saúde do DF-ESCS/DF. Brasilia, DF, Brazil.



How to Cite

Martins Santos Pereira, P., de Macedo Pereira, M. W., Andrade Silva, A. C., da Silva Sousa, A. L., Firme Elias, H. A., & Cavalcante Ribeiro, K. da S. (2022). Clinical and epidemiological profile of patients assisted in a maternal intensive care unit in the federal district. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 25(291), 8352–8363.



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