Construction of a booklet on vaccine against COVID-19




Nursing care, social vulnerability, Worker's health, COVID-19


Objective: To describe the performance and thinking of Nursing in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic related to health and safety conditions at work. Method: This is a study of a systematic literature review article, carried out through a data survey from the Virtual Health Library during the months of April to July 2020. Results: 9 articles were selected that stated the challenge of Nursing in the field of health edu-cation, work with existing limitations and its importance on the front line. Conclu-sion: This pandemic allows a reflection on nursing workers, their working condi-tions, care for patients with different vulnerabilities and characteristics. Thinking about their anxieties, fears, uncertainties and safe working conditions can favor the implementation of the worker's health and safety policy, implement measures to pre-vent and control occupational contamination, adequate hospital structure, integrated institutional network of psychological support.

Author Biographies

Ellen Christiane Correa Pinho

Nurse. Master's student in Nursing in the research line of Health Policies in the Amazon Context, at the Federal University of Pará (FAENF/ICS/UFPA). She is a member of the research Situational Diagnosis of Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Amazon Context: Geospatial Analysis, Tracking and Development of Educational Care Technologies (PROCAD); member of the Study and Research Group on Public Health in the Amazon (GEPESCA) and of the Study Group on Health Policies and Amazon Nursing Care (EPOTENA). Areas of interest: access to health services, nursing care, unified health system, nursing and primary health care, sexually transmitted infections.

Laena Costa dos Reis

Nurse. Master's student in Nursing at the Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Pará. in the line of research Health Policies in Amazonian Nursing Care. Postgraduate in Nursing in Surgical Center and Material Center (2021) and Executive MBA in Health Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV (2016), graduated in Nursing and Obstetrics from Universidade Federal do Pará – UFPA (2012).

Ticianne Alcântara de Oliveira Fernandes

Nurse. Master's student in Nursing. Graduate Nursing Program at the Federal University of Pará. Postgraduate in Obstetric Nursing Residency at the Federal University of Pará - UFPA (2018). Consultant in Breastfeeding by Instituto Mame Bem – Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais (2018). Professional mentor in nursing. Currently Assistant Obstetric Nurse at the Normal Birth Center Haydeé Pereira de Sena - Castanhal (2018). Master's student in Nursing at the Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Pará (2020/2022). Post-Graduate Lecturer at the Integrated Faculties of Castanhal - Estácio Castanhal.

Thiago dos Reis de Oliveira Costa

Nurse. Master's in Nursing. Graduate Nursing Program at the Federal University of Pará. He is interested in the areas of Oncology, Public Health, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Mental Health, Health Education, Hemodialysis and violence in the context of society.

Fernanda de Nazaré de Almeida Costa

Nurse. Doctoral Student in Nursing. Postgraduate Program in Nursing. Anna Nery School of Nursing. Master in Nursing from UEPA/UFAM. Specialist in Intensive Care (UFPA-2009), Nephrology (CESUPA-2011) and Cardiology (IEFAP-2014 Member of the research groups at the Universidade do Estado do Pará G.A.M.E.S, PESCA, IENPSAD; collaborating member of the Network of Studies and Educational Technologies RETE; Member of the research group Communication in Hospital Nursing-High Complexity Clients (CEHCAC/NUPENH/EEAN/UFRJ))

Nádile Juliane Costa de Castro

Nurse. PhD in Social and Environmental Sciences. Master in Tropical Diseases. Postgraduate in Public Health and Teaching Methodology in the Arts. Professor of the Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Pará. Member of the Education, Training and Management Research Groups for the Praxis of Health Care and Nursing (EDUGESPEN) and GEPEMUSCA. Research Health Technologies, Nursing Training and Health and Diseases of Traditional Peoples and Communities.



How to Cite

Correa Pinho, E. C., Costa dos Reis, L., de Oliveira Fernandes, T. A., de Oliveira Costa, T. dos R., de Almeida Costa, F. de N., & Costa de Castro, N. J. (2022). Construction of a booklet on vaccine against COVID-19. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 25(291), 8448–8463.



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