Evaluation of the knowledge of nurses on the prevention of falls in the elderly in the hospital environment





Elderly, Elderly Health, Aging, Accidents by Falls, Nursing


Objective: to evaluate the knowledge of nurses about the prevention of falls in the elderly in the hospital environment. Method: descriptive-exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, conducted with 10 nurses in august 2021, in the regional hospital of the city of Parnamirim/Rio Grande do Norte. A semi-structured interview script and content analysis were used according to Bardin's proposal. Being approved by the ethics committee of LIGA Norte Riograndese Against Cancer, under the CAAE: 48345621.3.0000.5293. Results: it was identified that the major causes of falls in the elderly are related to physical structure and drug reactions, the non-implementation of a protocol to prevent falls, lack of investment and recently the consequences of the pandemic of sars-cov-2. Conclusion: it was evidenced that nurses know their role in the prevention of falls in the elderly, however, some barriers limit their performance in this scenario, such as work overload, physical structure and lack of insum.

Author Biographies

Cleisla Daniel Siqueira

Nurse. Graduation in Nursing, Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau, Natal/RN, Brazil. Member of the Extension Project Care Safe Work Group/UFRN. She served as administrative director of the Academic League of Collective Health at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (LASC-UFRJ).

Flávia Danielli Martins Lima

Nurse. PhD in Nursing from the University of Lisbon/Portugal. Specialist in Data Analysis in Social Sciences by the University Institute of Lisbon-ISCTE/Portugal. Specialist in Urgency and Emergency at Faculdade Integral (FACID). Master in Management and Economics of Health Services from the University of Porto/Portugal. Professor of the Nursing course at the Maurício de Nassau University Center, Natal/RN, Brazil. Nurse at the Family Health Strategy in the city of Natal/RN.

Geórgina Araújo Diniz

Nurse. Graduation in Nursing, Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau, Natal/RN, Brazil. Post-Graduate Student in Auditing in the Nursing Sector at the FAVENI University Center.

Annyele Jéssica Toscano da Silva

Nurse. Graduation in Nursing, Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau, Natal/RN, Brazil. Postgraduate student in Urgency and Emergency at the FAVENI University Center

Jackson de Oliveira Pontes

Nurse. Graduation in Nursing, Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau, Natal/RN, Brazil. Postgraduate student in Oncology Nursing at Pitágoras Unopar University; Occupational Nursing by the Nossa Senhora de Todos os Povos Trilogic College; and Health Auditing by the Faculty Verbo Educacional.

Cecília Olívia Paraguai de Oliveira Saraiva

Nurse. Doctor and Master in Nursing by the Postgraduate Program in Nursing of the Health Sciences Center of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - PPGENF/UFRN. Specialist in Quality in Health and Patient Safety at Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ) Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Health at UFRN. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Quality Management in Health Services (PPG QualiSaúde/UFRN). Researcher at the Research Group on Quality Improvement in Health Services - QualiSaúde. Safe Care GT Coordinator. Member of the Public Policies GT and the Natal Nucleus of the Brazilian Network of Nursing and Patient Safety (REBRAENSP). Member of the Brazilian Society for the Quality of Care and Patient Safety (SOBRASP).



How to Cite

Siqueira, C. D., Martins Lima, F. D., Araújo Diniz, G., Toscano da Silva, A. J., de Oliveira Pontes, J., & Paraguai de Oliveira Saraiva, C. O. (2022). Evaluation of the knowledge of nurses on the prevention of falls in the elderly in the hospital environment. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 25(292), 8518–8527. https://doi.org/10.36489/nursing.2022v25i292p8518-8527



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