Vaginal birth and the female body in the puerperum: Contributions to obstetric nursing




Women, Normal birth, Postpartum period, Obstetric nursing, Philosophy


Objective: to describe the meanings and feelings of women after vaginal delivery and to identify how the performance of obstetric nursing can contribute to better experiences in the puerperium. Method: Heideggerian phenomenological research with 14 women who underwent vaginal delivery. An open audio-recorded interview was carried out, for the constitution of the Meaning Unit and vague and median understanding. Result: The experience and feelings of the woman after vaginal delivery meant: being afraid of having sex, feeling pain in sexual intercourse, thinking that it would not go back to being normal, feeling the body different from before, thinking that the sexual relationship has changed, lose sexual desire. Conclusion: The performance of obstetric nursing is necessary for better outcomes in the face of fear and the adaptation of the puerperal woman to the return of sexual activity, punctuating simple actions for the sexuality of the puerperal woman/couple, such as: hygiene care, use of lubricants and encouragement to resume of sexual intimacy.

Author Biographies

Elayne Arantes Elias

Professor and coordinator of the Undergraduate Program in Nursing at the Faculty of Sciences, Education, Health, Research and Management (CENSUPEG), São Fidélis/RJ. Nurse at the Military Fire Department of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Graduate in Nursing, Postgraduate in Gynecological and Obstetric Nursing, Master's and PhD in Nursing.

Dayanne Teresinha Granetto Cardoso Floriani

Professor and coordinator of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the Faculty of Sciences, Education, Health, Research and Management (CENSUPEG), Joinville/SC. Graduation in Nursing, Specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Master's in Education: Production/Construction of knowledge and teacher training.

Andyara do Carmo Pinto Coelho Paiva

Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Nursing at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Graduate in Nursing, Graduate in Public Health Policies and Research, Master's and PhD in Nursing.

Letycia Sardinha Peixoto Manhães

Postgraduate Professor at the Faculty of Sciences, Education, Health, Research and Management (CENSUPEG), São Fidélis/RJ. Nurse at the Fluminense Federal Institute and at the Municipal Health Department of the Municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ. Graduated in Nursing, Residency in Clinical and General Surgery, Master's and PhD in Health Care Sciences.

Lauanna Malafaia da Silva

Professor of the Undergraduate Program in Nursing at the Faculty of Sciences, Education, Health, Research and Management (CENSUPEG), São Fidélis/RJ. Nurse at Instituto Federal Fluminense - Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ. Degree in Nursing, Specialization in Adult, Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Units and Master's in Health Education.

Daniele Maria Alves Torres

Nurse at the Military Fire Department of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Graduate in Nursing, Specialization in Maternal and Child Health Management and Master's in Social Policies.

Anderson Freitas de Menezes Zechini

Nurse at the Military Fire Department of the State of Rio de Janeiro and at the General Hospital of Guarus. Degree in Nursing and Obstetrics.

Matheus Alves Ribeiro

Nurse at the Military Fire Department of the State of Rio de Janeiro and at Hospital Ferreira Machado. Graduation and Specialization in Nursing.



How to Cite

Arantes Elias, E., Granetto Cardoso Floriani, D. T., Pinto Coelho Paiva, A. do C., Peixoto Manhães, L. S., Malafaia da Silva, L., Maria Alves Torres, D., Freitas de Menezes Zechini, A., & Alves Ribeiro, M. (2022). Vaginal birth and the female body in the puerperum: Contributions to obstetric nursing. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 25(294), 8904–8915.



Artigos Cientí­ficos