Nursing care for people living with HIV/AIDS: reflection in the light of self-care theory
HIV, Self Care, Nursing TheoryAbstract
Objective: To analyze the scientificevidence of how the Self-Care Theorycanbeused in nursing care for patientswith HIV/AIDS. Method:Integrativeliterature review carried out between August and September 2022 using the Virtual Health Library (VHL) / Regional Library of Medicine (BIREME) and MEDLINE/PUBMED using the descriptors: Self-Care; HIV (HIV) and Nursing Theory. Tenarticleswereselected for the review, throughsearchescarried out in a timelessinterval. Results: The theory of self-care enablesan analysis of the constructionorchange of a reality for the patientwith HIV/AIDS, whosepurpose is to apprehendattitudes of practicesthatprovideautonomy and promote a healthyrelationshipwith the other, social and with the quite. Conclusion: The theory of self-care providestheoreticalsupport, providing nurses withqualified care thatmeets the individual needs of patientswith HIV/AIDS.