User profile of implantable electronic cardiac devices in a university hospital




Pacemaker, artificial heart, Defibrillators, implantable, Arrhythmias, cardiac, Surgicalprocedure, Cardiology


Objective: Toidentifytheprofileofpatientsundergoinginsertionof implantable electroniccardiacdevices in a reference hospital in Rio Grande do Norte. Method: Thisis a descriptive, exploratory,retrospective studyofthelastthreeyearswith a quantitativeapproach. Samplingwasselectedby convenience. Data collectionoccurredbetweenOctober 2017 to March 2018. Results: Samplecomposedof 215 medical records, ofthese 182 wereanalyzed. Implantedpacemakers 63.7% and 28% cardiodesfibrillators, corresponded tothe male gender 69.3%, withaverageage 65 and 49. Amongthecomorbidities, Systemic Arterial Hypertensioncovered 87.4%. Theatrioventricular blocks wereevidenced as themain cause forimplantation (35%), followedbymyocardiopathies (12%). Conclusion: Itwasnoticedthatindividualswhoimplantedpacemakerswereaffectedbybradyarrhythmias, whilecardioverter-defibrillatorswereaffectedbytachyarrhythmias. Thepostoperativecomplications and complicationsduringtheprocedurewerelowrisk. Itisemphasizedthat in themanagementoftheseusersitisessentialtodevelop a protocol, aimingtoimprove care.

Author Biographies

Andréa Gomes da Rocha Brito

Nurse at INCOR NATAL/HRG Cardio-pediatric ICU and Nurse at Hospital do Coração Natal. Nursing Coordinator of the Mais Coração Project SESAP/AMICO

Maria Solange Moreira de Lima

Nurse, Master in Quality Management in Health Services.

Ana Quiteria Fernandes Ferreira

SCIH Coordinator Nurse and ICU Assistant at HRMC/SESAP - Currais Novos.

Darlan MattsonNunes Ribeiro

Degree in Physical Education/UNI-RN. Multiprofessional Residency in Primary Health Care/UFRN.

Tenille Capuxú de Medeiros

Nurse at the HRG cardio-adult ICU and Nurse at the Hematology Outpatient Clinic-HEMONORTE. Postgraduate student in Urgency, Emergency and ICU - FIP. Postgraduate student in Cardiology and Hemodynamics, UnP.

Myrna Marques Lopes

Nurse, Master's Student in Neurointensivism. Professor at UNIP and Uniasselvi. Nurse UPA South – Natal RN.

Neyse Patrícia do Nascimento Mendes

Nurse at UFRN/HUOL. Coordinator of RMP in Cardiology at UFRN/HOUL. Master in nursing from UFRN. Specialist in Preceptorship for Sírio Libanês..



How to Cite

da Rocha Brito, A. G., Moreira de Lima, M. S., Fernandes Ferreira, A. Q., MattsonNunes Ribeiro, D., de Medeiros, T. C., Marques Lopes, M., & do Nascimento Mendes, N. P. (2022). User profile of implantable electronic cardiac devices in a university hospital. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 25(294), 8954–8969.



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