The meanings of work for nursing graduates faced with the COVID-19 scenario




Nursing, Work Senses, Professional Qualification, COVID-19, Nurses


Understanding the meanings of work for nursing graduates in the face of the COVID-19 scenario. Methodology: Qualitative research with interviews recorded through a semi-structured script. The content was analyzed through successive readings, with classification and ordering of responses in the form of categories established from the constructs: social utility; recognition; autonomy; learning and development opportunities; cooperation and relationship with newly graduated nurses; moral rectitude of the egress nurse. Results: The content of the interviews was analyzed based on six constructs. The graduated nurses attributed positive meanings to work, as they define work according to their occupational experiences, despite the pressure imposed by the pandemic. Considerations: Despite the excessive workload, deficit in human and material resources, lack of experience in the hospital context and unhealthy working conditions, graduates feel motivated and show positive feelings in relation to the work developed during the pandemic.

Author Biographies

Mayara Ana da Cunha Kersten

PhD in Education, Nurse, Teacher, Coordinator of the University project for the elderly (UNIVIDA), Itajaí (SC).

Maria Inês Pantoja Daniel

Nurse, University of Vale do Itajaí (SC).

Naiara Gracia Tibola

PhD in Education, Professor at the University of Vale do Itajaí (SC).

Odisséia Fátima Perão

PhD in Nursing, Professor at the University of Vale do Itajaí, Itajaí (SC).

Rafaella Rebello

Master in Education, Nurse, Teacher, at the National Commercial Apprenticeship Service (SENAC), Itajaí (SC).

Sandy Aparecida Pereira

PhD student in Education, Professor, Porto Belo (SC).

Thobyas Itamar Tomasi

Nurse, University of Vale do Itajaí (SC).



How to Cite

da Cunha Kersten, M. A., Pantoja Daniel, M. I., Gracia Tibola, N., Perão, O. F., Rebello, R., Aparecida Pereira, S., & Itamar Tomasi, T. (2022). The meanings of work for nursing graduates faced with the COVID-19 scenario. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 25(295), 9118–9129.



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