Structure of social representations of health professionals on neglected diseases




Neglected Diseases, Health Personnel, Poverty, Health Manager, Civil society


Objective: To analyze the structure of health professionals' social representations of neglected diseases. Method: Qualitative study supported by the Theory of Social Representations in its structural approach, developed in primary and secondary care units in a municipality in the interior of Bahia. In the first phase of the collection, the technique of free evocations was applied and analysis by the technique of the quadrant of four houses, in the second, the tests of constitution of paired pairs and the basic cognitive schemes were used. Results: a representational structure on neglected diseases was evidenced, consisting of three dimensions: individual; social and imagery, managed by a central nucleus formed by the terms negligence and ignorance. Conclusion: The representational structure implied the construction of collaborative practices by health professionals, managers and individuals in the control and coping strategies of neglected diseases.

Author Biographies

Charles Souza Santos

PhD in Nursing. Adjunct Professor at the State University of Southwest Bahia.

Antonio Marcos Tosoli Gomes

PhD in Nursing. Professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro.

Anadir de Almeida Farias

Nursing Student at the State University of Southwest Bahia, Brazil.

Rafael Moura Coelho PeclyWolter

PhD in Psychology. Full Professor at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, where he works in the Graduate Program in Psychology.

Virgínia Paiva Figueiredo Nogueira

PhD in Nursing. State University of Rio de Janeiro.

Magno Conceição das Merces

Doctor in Health Sciences. Professor and Tutor of the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Health at the State University of Bahia.

Pablo Luiz Santos Couto

PhD student in Nursing. Substitute Professor at the State University of Bahia.

Gleide Magali Lemos Pinheiro

PhD in Nursing. Adjunct Professor at the Health Department at the State University of Southwest Bahia.



How to Cite

Souza Santos, C., Tosoli Gomes, A. M., de Almeida Farias, A., Moura Coelho PeclyWolter, R., Paiva Figueiredo Nogueira, V., Conceição das Merces, M., Santos Couto, P. L., & Lemos Pinheiro, G. M. (2022). Structure of social representations of health professionals on neglected diseases. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 25(295), 9161–9178.



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