Social anxiety disorder diagnostic and screening tools adapted for the brazilian reality




Anxiety, Phobia, social, Social Anxiety Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, Phobic Disorders, Patient Health Questionnaire, Mental Health


Objective: to describe in the literature the instruments for diagnosis and screening of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) that are adapted to the Brazilian reality. Method: exploratory and descriptive literature review, conducted through the databases: PubMED, BVS and Scielo. In August 2022, with a time frame of 2017 to 2022. Included were documents about the instruments for diagnosis and screening of SAD, adapted to the Brazilian reality. Result: After reviewing the literature, 14 documents were found among the SAD recognition and screening scales with validation and cross-cultural adaptation for the Brazilian reality, four were found: Adult Social Anxiety Questionnaire; Reduced Social Interaction Anxiety Scale; Reduced Social Anxiety Scale, and the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, self-applied version. Conclusion: there is a minority of studies validated and adapted to Brazilians thus hindering diagnosis, early treatment and multidisciplinary assessment.

Author Biographies

Fernando de Sena Alves

Nursing student at the University of São Paulo (UNIP) - Brasília Campus. Brasilia DF.

Hellena Rolemberg Almeida Barbosa

Psychologist. Parental Advisor. Maternity Institute Goiânia – Goiás.

Juliana de Sena Alves

Physiotherapy student at the University of São Paulo (UNIP) - Brasília Campus. Brasilia DF.

Iel Marciano de Moraes Filho

Nurse and Pedagogue. Master in Environmental Sciences and Health. PhD student in Society, Technology and Environment. Professor of the Nursing course at Universidade Paulista (UNIP).



How to Cite

de Sena Alves, F., Almeida Barbosa, H. R., de Sena Alves , J., & de Moraes Filho, I. M. (2023). Social anxiety disorder diagnostic and screening tools adapted for the brazilian reality. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 26(296), 9256–9267.



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