Nutritional evaluation of surgical patients with gastrointestinal cancer using food supplements




Nutritional Supplements, Gastrointestinal Neoplasms, Surgical Oncology, Nutritional Assessment


Objective: To evaluate the nutrition of surgical patients with neoplasia in the gastrointestinal tract using food supplements. Method: This is a systematic literature review carried out in Google Scholar, PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science databases, from May to June 2021, without time frame or language restriction, using the descriptors: “enteral nutrition and immunenutrition”, “cancerpatients and gastriccancerpatients”, “preoperative, perioperative and postoperative”. Results: Eight studies were selected, most of which identified benefits in the use of supplementation due to the decrease in TNF-a cells, cortisol and transferrin, reducing the length of hospital stay and improving the functional status of supplemented participants. Conclusion: The findings were positive, however, there were some limitations such as heterogeneity in therapeutic approaches and loss of patients during the study, despite having a low risk of bias, there is still a need for further studies.

Author Biographies

Lainny Coelho Rodrigues

Graduate in Nursing. FAMETRO University Center (CEUNI-FAMETRO). Manaus (AM), Brazil.

Ayrton Rogério Nascimento dos Santos

Graduate in Nursing. FAMETRO University Center (CEUNI-FAMETRO). Manaus (AM), Brazil.

Clarissa Souza Lacorte

Graduate in Nursing. FAMETRO University Center (CEUNI-FAMETRO). Manaus (AM), Brazil.

Larissa Adriane dos Santos Mos

Nutritionist. FAMETRO University Center (CEUNI-FAMETRO. Manaus (AM), Brazil.

Felipe Rodolfo Pereira da Silva

Biomedic. Professor, Graduation in Medicine, Federal University of Pará. Postdoctoral fellow, UFPI Postdoctoral Program. Teresina (PI), Brazil.

Graciana de Sousa Lopes

Nurse. Professor, Graduation in Nursing, FAMETRO University Center (CEUNI-FAMETRO. Master in Nursing from UFAM. Manaus (AM), Brazil.

Ana Elis Guimarães Araújo

Nurse, Permanent Nursing Education at the Amazonas Oncology Control Center Foundation. Master in Applied Sciences to Dermatology from the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA). Manaus (AM), Brazil.

Júlia Mônica Marcelino Benevides

Nurse. Professor, Graduation in Nursing from the FAMETRO University Center (CEUNI-FAMETRO. Doctoral student in the Post-Graduation Program in Basic and Applied Immunology at UFAM. Manaus (AM), Brazil.



How to Cite

Coelho Rodrigues, L., Nascimento dos Santos, A. R., Souza Lacorte, C., dos Santos Mos, L. A., Pereira da Silva, F. R., de Sousa Lopes, G., Guimarães Araújo, A. E., & Marcelino Benevides, J. M. (2023). Nutritional evaluation of surgical patients with gastrointestinal cancer using food supplements. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 26(296), 9268–9279.



Scientific Articles