Construction and validation of standard operating protocol of prone positioning in Intensive Care Unit



Prone Position, IntensiveCareUnits, PatientCare Team, NursingCare, CriticalCare


Objective:To build andvalidate a standard operatingprotocol for thepronetechnique in anIntensiveCare Unit. Method:Methodologicalresearchorganized in twostages: constructionoftheprotocolandvalidationofcontentandappearance. The literaturesearchtookplace in theelectronicdatabase: capes portal, PUBMED, BVS, MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF. After a bibliographicalsurvey for theconstructionofthe SOP, it wasevaluatedbyjudges. AnalysiswasperformedusingtheContentValidity Index (CVI), consideringacceptableabove 80%. Data collectiontookplacefromFebruarytoJune 2020. Results: POP consistedof 76 items, dividedinto four stages, 24 judgeswerepartofthe sample for validation. The itemshad CVI greaterthan 90% for allcategoriesandnot for thegroup, thespecificgrouptheagreementwasgreaterthan 90% in 88.5% oftheitems. Conclusions: The judges' assessment determinedvalidationregardingtheappearanceandcontentoftheone-round prone SOP.

Author Biographies

Ana Karoline Nitz

Nurse. Specialist in Nursing in Urgency and Emergency by the Municipal Health Department of Curitiba. State Health Care Foundation. Curitiba, Parana

Janaina Gabrieli Cardoso

Nursing Student. Santa Cruz University Center of Curitiba. Curitiba, Parana.

Thais Lazaroto Roberto Cordeiro

Nurse. Master in Teaching Health Sciences by Faculdade Pequeno Príncipe. City Hall of Campo Largo. Doctoral student at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Campo Largo, Paraná.

José Francisco Kolle

Nurse. Master in Nursing from the Federal University of Paraná. Santa Cruz University Center of Curitiba. State Health Care Foundation. PhD student at the Federal University of Paraná. Curitiba, Parana.

Larissa Marcondes

Nurse. Master in Nursing from the Federal University of Paraná. Santa Cruz University Center of Curitiba. Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Paraná. Doctoral student at the Federal University of Paraná. Curitiba, Parana



How to Cite

Nitz, A. K., Cardoso, J. G., Roberto Cordeiro, T. L., Francisco Kolle, J., & Marcondes, L. (2023). Construction and validation of standard operating protocol of prone positioning in Intensive Care Unit. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 26(296), 9296–9311. Retrieved from



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