Factors associated with anxiety and depression in the elderly: An integrative review





Elderly, Anxiety, Depression, Mental health, Geriatric nursing


Objective: To know the factors associated with anxiety and depression in the elderly. Method: descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach of the integrative review type. Using the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciElo) and Google Scholar platforms as databases, including articles from 2012 to 2022. Results: Seven articles were selected for this study that suited the theme and after the inclusion criteria filter, all articles had a quantitative approach and the vast majority were descriptive, the articles cited sex, age and marital status as factors associated with depression and anxiety. Conclusion: The literature is vast when it comes to depression, but still scarce when it comes to anxiety. It was understood that the feelings and factors related to anxiety and depression, as well as the importance of a team able to deal with issues related to the mental health of the elderly, is fundamental.

Author Biographies

José de Ribamar Medeiros Lima Júnior

PhD in Health Sciences (Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences - UFMA)
Specialist in Pediatric ICU - Faculdade Cidade Verde Graduation in Nursing - Federal University of Maranhão

Paula Fernanda Soares

Federal University of Maranhão. Pinheiro - MA.

Wildilene Leite Carvalho

Federal University of Maranhão/Ebserh

Leonel Lucas Smith de Mesquita

PhD in Collective Health- Universidade Federal do Maranhão- São Luís, Maranhão

Mayra Sharlenne Moraes Araújo

Graduate Program in Collective Health.
Federal University of Maranhão. São Luís, Maranhão.

Anália Vivanne Costa Del Castilo

Federal University of Maranhão. Pinheiro - MA.

Reivax Silva do Carmo

Master's student in Adult Health - UFMA

Bruna Rafaella Carvalho Andrade

Mastering of the Mastering Program in Nursing - UFMA



How to Cite

Medeiros Lima Júnior, J. de R., Soares , P. F., Leite Carvalho , W., Smith de Mesquita , L. L., Moraes Araújo , M. S., Costa Del Castilo , A. V., Silva do Carmo , R., & Carvalho Andrade , B. R. (2023). Factors associated with anxiety and depression in the elderly: An integrative review. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 26(298), 9495–9508. https://doi.org/10.36489/nursing.2023v26i298p9495-9508



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