Pesticides and illness: rural women's view
Pesticides, Health-disease process, Health Education, Rural health, WomenAbstract
Objective: To understand how women who live and work in family farming understand the association between the use of pesticides and illness. Method: descriptive qualitative study, carried out with 29 women, in a municipality in southern Brazil, with data collected from January to June 2018, through a socioeconomic questionnaire and open interview, treated through thematic analysis. Results: three thematic units emerged: it's bad, but they can't explain it; it causes diseases according to experiences or information from family members and the community; affects the health of the general population and not just rural workers. Conclusion: The diversity in understandings indicates that there are local opportunities for discussing the topic through health education, as a strategy for promoting the health of the rural population, from a gender perspective. In this sense, the importance of literacy for health promotion must be considered.
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