


Nursing students; nursing; human papilloma virus


Objective: to identify the knowledge of nursing students related to the Human Papilloma Virus theme. Method: This is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach, developed in a private college. Participated in the research occurred in the period of September 2022 a total of156 nursing students. Results: The study showed that 70.5% (110) of the students are women, a fact that demonstrates that this is a reality in the profession. When asked about Human Papilloma Virus, 94.9% (148) said that the Human Papilloma Virus is a sexually transmitted infection, yet they mostly said that women are the target of the virus, as well as confirm that it is through contact with lesions that 42.3% (107) that the virus is transmitted. Conclusion: Thus, after evaluating the data obtained, it was possible to notice that when the students enrolled in college they already have empirical knowledge, and when they go through the disciplines at the university, this knowledge becomes scientific.


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How to Cite

Beserra Machado , A. L. L., Catunda Melo , D. F., Andrade , M. G., Melo , F. N. de P., Veríssimo , F. A. da S., Cavalcante , R. S., Moreira Lima , L. X. S., & Marinho Feitosa , A. L. (2023). KNOWLEDGE OF NURSING STUDENTS ABOUT THE HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS INFECTION. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 26(300), 9653–9660.



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