Hospital Bed Management: from Planning to implementation in a Hospital Service
Serviço Hospitalar de Enfermagem, Organização e Administração, Ocupação de Leitos.Abstract
The lack of hospital beds in Brazil is a common complaint among users of the Unified Health System. Objective: To report the experience of the construction of a Bed Management Service and to present the nurse's role as manager, for the visibility and strengthening of the nursing class. Method: Experience report of the implementation of bed management in a public hospital of medium size, in a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Result: From the implementation there were changes in the profile of the indicators of the care sectors, with the use of beds used to their maximum capacity. A reduction in the waiting list for hospitalization was observed as a result of the timely and orderly access to vacancies. Conclusion: It can be inferred that the management of beds is effective and efficient in hospital management with satisfactory operational and financial results and a preponderant factor for the customers' safety and satisfaction.
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