Anxiety, Nursing, Nursing Students, Emotions, COVID-19Abstract
Objectives: To identify the feelings and expectations of undergraduate nursing students regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. To relate the state of anxiety of undergraduates with the pandemic and to associate sociodemographic characteristics and economic consequences with the state of anxiety. Method: A correlational, cross-sectional quantitative study whose response variables were students' academic expectations and feelings during the COVID-19 pandemic and as predictor variables social characteristics and state of anxiety. The sample consisted of 30 participants with an average age of 25.7 years (standard deviation 8.0). The study was approved by the HEI's Research Ethics Committee under opinion number 4.467.808. The data collection period was from March 2021 to April 2021. Results: The majority of participants were female (63.3%), from São Paulo and without a partner. The most frequent self-reported color was white (50.0%) and the main feelings were insecurity (36.7%). Conclusion: There were significant correlations of the anxiety trait for females, for those living without a partner and among those with white skin; there was also a significant association between IDATE scores and academic feelings.
DESCRIPTORS: Anxiety; Nursing; Nursing Students; Emotions; Covid-19.
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