Development of a mobile application for predicting the risk of pressure injury: Glamorgan Scale
Pressure Injury, Health Care Technology, mHealth, Mobile Applications, StomatherapyAbstract
Objective: To develop a mobile application that utilizes the Glamorgan Scale to predict the risk of pressure injuries in pediatric patients during bedside care. Method: This study involves a methodological approach to develop a mobile application for predicting the risk of pressure injuries using the Glamorgan Scale, based on the methodological framework of Cook & Dupras. Results: Following the steps outlined in the methodological framework, we have successfully completed the development of the health mobile application titled "LPP - Glamorgan Scale". The application consists of five tabs that provide relevant information on the assessment and prevention of pressure injuries. Conclusion: The application has been developed according to the established methodological steps, covering key concepts and information related to pressure injuries and their prevention in pediatric patients. Additionally, a specific tab has been included to facilitate the quick and intuitive application of the Glamorgan Scale by nurses during bedside care.
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