



Mycobacterium Leprae; Leprosy; Quality of Life Indicators.



Objective: To evaluate the quality of life of patients during and after leprosy treatment. Method: Descriptive, exploratory and quantitative study. Performed using the WHOQOL-bref quality of life scale. CAAE: 58389422.0.0000.5587. Results: 33 (100%) patients who had a diagnosis of leprosy participated, the sample was tabulated separating between two groups, 13 (100%) in active treatment and 20 (100%) with completed treatment. For patients still undergoing treatment: in the physical domain, 31% reported good quality of life and 23% reported poor quality of life, while in the environment, psychological and social relationships, 08% reported good quality of life and 23% poor, respectively. For participants with completed treatment, the physical, environment, psychological and social relationships domains obtained 40% with good quality of life and 05% poor. Conclusion: patients who completed treatment have a better quality of life than patients undergoing leprosy treatment, demonstrating the importance of performing the treatment correctly.

DESCRIPTORS: Mycobacterium Leprae; Leprosy; Quality of Life Indicators.

Author Biographies

Fabiana Rezer, Faculdade do Norte de Mato Grosso

Enfermeira. Mestre em Enfermagem Profissional e Especialista em Nefrologia e UTI. Docente
da Faculdade do Norte de Mato Grosso, departamento de Enfermagem.

Juliana Kovaslki Couto, Faculdade do Norte de Mato Grosso

Enfermeira pela Faculdade do Norte de Mato Grosso, departamento de Enfermagem

Giovana dos Santos da Silva, Faculdade do Norte de Mato Grosso


Naara Mascardo da Silva, Faculdade do Norte de Mato Grosso

Enfermeira pela Faculdade do Norte de Mato Grosso, departamento de Enfermagem.

Wladimir Rodrigues Faustino, Faculdade do Norte de Mato Grosso

Enfermeiro. Mestre em Enfermagem Profissional. Especialista em UTI, Nefrologia e Infectologia.


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How to Cite

Rezer, F., Kovaslki Couto, J., dos Santos da Silva, G., Mascardo da Silva, N., & Rodrigues Faustino, W. (2023). QUALITY OF LIFE OF PATIENTS DURING AND AFTER LEPROSY TREATMENT USING THE WHOQOOL BREF. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 26(303), 9867–9875. https://doi.org/10.36489/nursing.2023v26i303p9867-9875



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