Factors that influence elderly adherence to the covid-19 vaccine: scope review





Elderly; Vaccination coverage; COVID-19.


Objective: To map the scientific evidence related to the factors that influence the adherence of older adults to the COVID-19 vaccine. Method: Scoping review carried out in November 2021, in the following databases: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE via PubMed®), Excerpta Medica Data Base (Embase) via Elsevier; Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Web
of Knwedge (Web of Science); Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS) and Spanish Bibliographic Index in Health Sciences (IBECS). Results and Discussion: 10 publications met the inclusion criteria. Among the factors identified for greater hesitancy towards the COVID-19 vaccine were lack of knowledge, low educational level, concern about side effects and vaccine safety, underestimation of the risk of infection after receiving the first dose of the vaccine, unfavorable economic situation, little access to the internet and technologies, among other factors. Conclusion: Knowing the factors that cause hesitation among the elderly in relation to the COVID-19 vaccine and the adjuvants in the fight against the disease, so that there is a better targeting of actions in order to improve vaccination coverage and coping with covid19.


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How to Cite

Filho, F. J. de A., Barbosa Negreiros, A. L., Barros Leal, L., Neto , F. J. de C., Gomes, C. N. da S., Simone Barroso de Carvalho, Brito Magalhães, R. de L., & Vilarouca da Silva, A. R. (2023). Factors that influence elderly adherence to the covid-19 vaccine: scope review. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 26(304), 9926–9931. https://doi.org/10.36489/nursing.2023v26i304p9926-9931



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