Psychiatric Nursing, Nursing, Nursing, Team, Nursing CareAbstract
Objective: To analyze the care provided by the nursing team in psychiatric emergencies. Method: Integrative literature review study, considering the PICo strategy: (P) Nursing team, (I) Care, (Co) Psychiatric emergencies, the inclusion criteria are articles published in Portuguese, between 2013 and 2023, available in the Library Virtual Health. Results: A table was created to collect data. Three categories emerged: Weaknesses in nursing care for psychiatric emergencies; Strengths in nursing care for psychiatric emergencies; Continuing and permanent education as a resource for improving the quality of care for psychiatric emergencies. Final considerations: The need for continuing education actions is evident, the importance of adequate human and physical resources for assistance, professional training that includes mental health care, promotion of social deconstruction, stigmas and stereotypes linked to madness and the figure of brain sick.
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