Nursing; Advanced Nursing Practice; Nursing Process; Nursing EducationAbstract
Objective: To map the actions of Advanced Practice Nurses in the clinical teaching and supervised curricular internship
fields of an undergraduate nursing course. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive study including 21 nurses. Data
was collected using a socio-professional questionnaire, aligned with the International Council of Nurses' competencies regarding Advanced Nursing Practice. Results: The nurses demonstrated medium knowledge of Advanced Nursing Practice, and mapped advanced practice actions such as prescribing therapeutic agents for injuries, peripherally inserted central
catheter procedures, requesting imaging tests and peri-anal swabs, injury opinions, management and nursing consultation in the prepartum period, and assistance in childbirth. Skills in the care domain and the management/education domain were highlighted. Conclusion: There was potential for action in Advanced Practice at the Teaching Institutio
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