


Multiprofessional; Care; Family; Endocrine


Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the systematization of nursing care for people with endocrine and metabolic disorders, based on Calista Roy's theory. Methodology: This is an experience report on the application of the Systematization of Nursing Care (SNC) to people with endocrine and metabolic disorders in a hospital setting. Results and discussion: The theory of adaptation was applied in the six phases of Calista Roy's theory and nursing diagnoses were drawn up for the four modes of adaptation: physiological, interdependence, self-concept and role function. Final considerations: When applying the SNC to individuals with endocrine and metabolic disorders, the nurse must carry it out in all its stages, and use the protocols to offer holistic and comprehensive care, aimed at promoting health, preventing potential risk and adapting to health needs.


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How to Cite

Valle Matheus, F. A., Oliveira, C. de M., Pereira de Azevedo, L., Santana de Almeida, S., Costa da Silva, F., Neponuceno de Oliveira, J. dos R., Palmeira Coelho, T., Barbosa Santos, S., Costa Santana, A. I., & Angélica da Rocha , T. (2024). CARE FOR PEOPLE WITH ENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC DISORDERS. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 27(308), 10125–10130.



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