


Visual acuity; Child; Preschool; Auditory perception; Holistic Health


Characteristics that permeate audiovisual health promotion and prevention can exert communicative influences in childhood through the maturation of skills to which it is inserted. Thus, vision and hearing play a crucial role in children's cognitive development, and as soon as the early diagnosis is made with regard to ocular and auditory alterations identified, contributing to minimize impairments in child development. Objective: To identify, through the literature, the relationship between audiovisual health promotion and prevention and the impact on the quality of life of children aged 0 to 11 years, specifying the role of health professionals, parents, guardians and teachers. Method: This is a literature review, carried out between February and June 2023, including scientific articles, selected and published from 2013 to 2023, in Portuguese, English and Spanish in the following databases: Pubmed, Virtual Health Library (VHL), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), Web of Science,  Federal Council of Nursing (COFEN), Ministry of Health, Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), digital library of the institution Universidade nove de Julho through the descriptors in English and Portuguese, eye health, hearing health, child, preschool and child development. Results: After applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria, a total of 77 articles were totaled and, after careful peer review, 33 articles were eligible to be included in the contingent of articles for the research. Conclusion: It was found that from the moment the necessary orientations and periodic examinations are carried out, there is a decrease in the appearance of ocular or auditory alterations; In the case of audiovisual dysfunctions already diagnosed, treatment measures improve not only the quality of life but also cognitive development, for example we have hearing aids, ear prostheses, glasses or contact lenses, teaching and learning with Libras and Braille. 


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How to Cite

Rodrigues Leal, M., Purificação Dias, C., Lopes Santana, D. M., Barros Paulo, G., Freire de Jesus, I., Vilse, J., Costa Guimarães, M. C., Germano de Castro Silva, R., Borralho, T. C. de M., & Jeronimo Comitre, V. (2024). AUDIOVISUAL HEALTH PROMOTION AND PREVENTION IN CHILDHOOD: A HOLISTIC VIEW. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 27(309), 10145–10150.



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