Family Health, Family structure, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and HealthAbstract
Objective: To synthesize and describe what has been produced regarding family functionality through the use of the family APGAR instrument. Method: The study is based on an integrative review of narrative literature, enabling the analysis of scientific knowledge already produced on the topic investigated. Results: Based on the results of the integrative review, it was possible to form 02 (two) categories, such as: Category 1-Family APGAR in the assessment of caregiver/family relationships of the elderly (60 to 100 years old). Category2-Family role in caring for people with chronic conditions, such as oncological pathologies and psychiatric pathologies. Conclusion: The study managed to complete its objectives since the findings suggest significant issues concerning the family, as it holds notoriety, enabling the conservation of the integrity of the human being in its profuse aspects.
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