Epidermolysis Bullosa: Management of Coverings
Epidermolysis Bullosa, Management, CoveringsAbstract
Epidermolysis Bullosa is a rare disease, non-contagious and without cure, hereditary caused by mutations in several previous skin proteins, of different intensities that can give rise to flictenes throughout the body, the severity of which will depend on the mutation involved in the pathogenesis. The four main types: simple, junctional, dystrophic and infantile. This article aimed to evaluate the proper management, related to the use of coverings in the patients with the disease. For this, a review of all specific literature found on the topic was carried out. They were consulted as electronic bases scielo, bireme and Google Scholar in the period of March and April 2021; in addition to primary sources such as books. The material was selected according to the keywords: Epidermolysis Bullosa, causes, treatment, use of coverings; data from 2010 to 2021. The results found show that the care provided to patients with the disease, regardless of type, is nonspecific, with proper management of skin lesions according to the characteristics being considered of great importance. A rigorous assessment by the multidisciplinary team is recommended to analyze skin and extracutaneous involvement, avoiding complications such as, for example, guaranteeing a better quality of life. It is concluded that the treatment of epidermolysis Bullosa should focus on the prevention of complications, using appropriate coverage for each evolution of activities, also involving the psychological care of the patient and family, for a better understanding of the disease, thus resulting in better care.
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