


Humanized Labor. Obstetric Violence. Obstetric Nursing. Women 's Health.


Introduction: The high Obstetrical Violence (OV) rates in Brazil encourage  discussions about means of prevention and combat of abusive and abusive practices  during the care for pregnant people in the country. On that note, understanding the role  of healthcare workers is decisive to actualize already existing public measures in the  midwife practice’s daily routine. Objectives: Comprehend the relevancy of nursing  professional’s actions on the prevention and combat of OV and define practical  intervention strategies. Methods: It is a review of literature collected through research  in virtual databases such as PubMed and Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), based  on previously established criteria. Results: The actions of obstetric nurses are  primordial to prevent and contain OV upon the pregnant person during prenatal care,  labor, intrapartum, post childbirth and postpartum. Nonetheless, the existence of an  important deficit about the technical comprehension of OV midst these professionals  makes it difficult to perform their proper role and endorses the stay of this cycle of  violence. Conclusion: The potential impact of nurse’s actions to contain cases of OV  as well as possible humanizing care practices to be implemented stand out, as well as  how it identifies gaps that hamper the decrease of abuse rates occurred during  maternal-fetal care.  


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How to Cite

Mesquita, E. de P., Bataglion Dos Santos, M. E., Cavalcante Pereira , I. C., Moraes de Farias, J. V., & Scherer , A. (2024). HUMANIZED LABOR: THE ROLE OF NURSING IN PREVENTING OBSTETRIC VIOLENCE . Nursing Edição Brasileira, 28(315), 9411–9415.



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