Urinary catheterization, Nursing Professionals, Health, Urinary Infections, AsepsisAbstract
Objective: To identify the main errors in the technique of indwelling urinary catheterization (IUC), emphasizing the importance of nurses following the code of ethics and developing the standard operating procedure (SOP) to provide the largest possible audience of nursing professionals with the correct step-by-step guide to inserting the IUC, aiming to minimize risks to the patient and possible infections resulting from catheterization. Method: This is an experience report of nursing students in creating a SOP in an Emergency Care Unit (UPA) in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. Results: The UPA implemented the reading of the SOP as guidelines for new employees, as a way of familiarizing themselves with the hospital area and continuing the care process, in addition to a lecture to train the team. Conclusion: The implementation of SOPs is crucial to reduce urinary infections and promote patient safety, with the potential to inspire continuous improvements in practices in UPAs.
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