Construction of an Instructional Booklet for Hospitalized Patients with Emphasis on Patient Safety Culture
Patient Safety Culture, Patient Safety, Notification, Patient EngagementAbstract
Introduction: Engagement is a way to ensure protection and respect for people's rights in the health field, such as access to information, privacy, shared decision-making about clinical therapy, and informed consent. The effective participation of patients, families, and companions is still incipient as a safety culture. Objective: To create an instructional booklet focused on educational actions on patient safety culture, aimed at patients, families, and companions of a university hospital. Method: Descriptive methodological research. It was based on the 8 steps established by Ribeiro and Queluci (2022). The script was structured in three parts (chapters) based on the types of actions for safe care. The first part deals with educational
actions; the second focuses on actions to develop the autonomy of patients, families, and companions; the third presents actions to increase the participation of all, including health professionals. Results: The study addresses patient safety culture, risks and incident reporting in management and care processes, international goals for safe care, patient rights and how to effectively participate to ensure a safety culture in hospitals. Final
considerations: Based on this knowledge, it will be possible to ensure patient, family and companion engagement as a key component for effective communication and safe care, since it involves the individual and collective protection of users, respect for their rights in health care, access to
information, privacy, shared decision-making on clinical therapy and informed consent.
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