Analysis of Nursing Professionals' Knowledge About Blood Pressure Measurement
Knowledge, Blood Pressure Measurement, Nursing Professionals, HypertensionAbstract
Aim: to analyze the nursing team's knowledge of blood pressure measurement. Methods: exploratory study carried out with adult nursing staff in 2022. Association tests were carried out with a 5% significance level. Results: 43 nurses and 36 technicians/auxiliaries took part, 44.06(12.57) years old, 19.29(11.52) years graduated. 78.5% used a semi-automatic device and 35% reported training in blood pressure measurement. The majority were correct about patient care before measurement, cuff dimensions, consequences for blood pressure when using narrow or wide cuffs and periodic calibration of sphygmomanometers. Only 35% were correct about the normal range of blood pressure. Better knowledge was associated (p<0.05) with higher age, longer working time in the hospital, being a nurse and training in blood pressure measurement. Conclusion: gaps in knowledge about the procedure were identified which could compromise the reliability of blood pressure measurement.
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