The work of the nursing auditor in orthetic processes and prostheses and special materials


  • Graziela Aparecida Mendieta
  • Adaiele Lucia Nogueira Vieira da Silva
  • Tatiane Novais Dantas
  • Cleuzieli Moraes dos Santos
  • Rosely Almeida Souza
  • Willian Alburquerque de Almeida



Nursing Audit, Prostheses and Implants, Orthotic Devices, Technology, High-Cost


The aim was to describe the role of the nurse auditor in the processes involving OPME in a public or private hospital environment. It is a theoretical-reflective study that proposes a discussion on the OPME processes in Brazilian territory, as well as the current legislation, both in supplementary health and in free and universal care practiced by the Unified Health System. There is a need for professionals trained, with technical competence and zeal for safety, to optimize the control of these materials, in addition to inhibiting doubtful and fraudulent practices. Contributing to the strict control and traceability of these inputs used, guaranteeing the service provided to the user and monitoring its quality. Therefore, it can be concluded that the role of the Nurse Auditor in the processes of use of OPME is essential for all stages of the process to be complied with and respected, in accordance with current regulations and legislation, both in public or private institutions. It was also found that there are few scientific publications nationwide on the subject.

Author Biographies

Graziela Aparecida Mendieta

Nurse. Specialization in Auditing and Quality Management for Health Services at the Novoeste Faculty. Campo Grande, MS.

Adaiele Lucia Nogueira Vieira da Silva

Nurse. Degree: Nurse. PhD student at the Postgraduate Program in Health and Development in the Midwest Region at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). Master's in Nursing. Professor in the Specialization course in Auditing and Quality Management for Health Services at Faculdade Novoeste, Campo Grande - MS.

Tatiane Novais Dantas

Physician - Specialization in Clinical Neurology. Postgraduate studies in Sleep Medicine and Occupational Medicine. Specialization in Auditing and Quality Management for Health Services at the Novoeste Faculty. Campo Grande, MS.

Cleuzieli Moraes dos Santos

Nurse. Master in Family Health. Specialist in Health Policy Management Informed by Evidence; Clinic Management in Health Regions; Audit of Health Systems and Services; and Public Health and Family Health. Professor and coordinator of the Specialization course in Auditing and Quality Management for Health Services at Faculdade Novoeste, Campo Grande - MS.

Rosely Almeida Souza

Nurse. PhD student in the Postgraduate Course in Health and Development in the Midwest Region from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS).

Willian Alburquerque de Almeida

Nurse. PhD student at the Graduate Program in Health and Development in the Midwest Region of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS. Professor of the nursing course at the Educational Foundation of Andradina - FEA - Andradina - SP.



How to Cite

Mendieta , G. A. ., Nogueira Vieira da Silva, A. L., Novais Dantas , T. ., Moraes dos Santos , C. ., Almeida Souza , R. ., & Alburquerque de Almeida , W. . (2020). The work of the nursing auditor in orthetic processes and prostheses and special materials. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 23(264), 3938–3951.



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