Appropriate term for wounds resulting from cancer processes: an integrative review


  • Gabriela Lopes de Almeida
  • José William Araújo do Nascimento
  • Marcos Antônio de Oliveira Souza
  • Barbara Gabriela Galdino dos Santos
  • Geicianfran da Silva Lima Roque
  • Isabel Cristina Ramos Vieira Santos



Nursing Care, Wounds and Injuries, Medical Oncology, Terminology


Objective: To identify the appropriate term for wounds resulting from oncological processes based on the evidence in the literature. Methods: This is an integrative review of scientific evidence. A search was carried out in the databases: LILACS, MEDLINE, Scielo and IBECS about articles published in the period from 2007 to 2019. Results: 18 articles were included with the most frequent study design being the cross-sectional (n: 06). 5 terms were found, the most used being "malignant wound" (n: 08). Among the defining characteristics of wounds, the most frequent were: bad odor (n: 18), exudate (n: 17) and pain (n: 17). As for the cause of these injuries, the greater frequency of articles (n: 10) presented skin infiltration by primary cancer or metastasis. Conclusion: Although several terms are used for these injuries, the cause and defining characteristics are the same. The term "malignant wound" was identified as more appropriate, both for its frequency of use and its semantics.

Author Biographies

Gabriela Lopes de Almeida

Nurse (FENSG-UPE), Specialist in Traumatology and Orthopedics and Master in Nursing (UPE / UEPB).

José William Araújo do Nascimento

Nurse (Catholic University of Pernambuco).

Marcos Antônio de Oliveira Souza

Nurse (FENSG-UPE), Specialist in Stomatherapy (FENSG-UPE), Master and Doctor in Nursing (UPE / UEPB).

Barbara Gabriela Galdino dos Santos

Nurse (UPE).

Geicianfran da Silva Lima Roque

Nurse (Catholic University of Pernambuco).

Isabel Cristina Ramos Vieira Santos

Nurse (FENSG-UPE), specialist in Education in Science and Health (UFRJ), specialist in Stomatherapy (FENSG-UPE), Master in Public Health Nutrition (UFPE), PhD in Public Health (Aggeu Magalhães Research Center - FIOCRUZ) and nursing professor at FENG-UPE and Unicap.



How to Cite

Lopes de Almeida, G. ., Araújo do Nascimento, J. W., de Oliveira Souza, M. A. ., Galdino dos Santos, B. G., da Silva Lima Roque , G. ., & Ramos Vieira Santos , I. C. (2020). Appropriate term for wounds resulting from cancer processes: an integrative review. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 23(267), 4478–4485.



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