Perception of nursing students in patient safety with unit dose medication system


  • Sandra Alves Neves Araújo
  • Ana Maria Abrunhosa Vasconcelos
  • Maria Wilsa Cabral Rodrigues de Sousa
  • Wilza Cabral Rodrigues da Silva
  • Paula Cristina Xavier de Souza



Patient Safety, Fractional Medicines, Preparation of Medicines, Hospital, Nursing


Objectives: To describe the perception of nursing students on patient safety in the Distribution System of Medicines by Unit Dose - SDMDU. Method: Exploratory, quantitative, qualitative, non-probabilistic, intentional field research. Held in a children's hospital that uses the SDMDU. 126 nursing graduates were interviewed. Results: Positive perception for 99 (78.57%) of nursing students, categorized by Sistema Seguro 45 (45.45%) and 30 (30.30%) report that the SDMDU decreases errors. However, 21 (16.67%) reported a negative perception, affirm that the Preparation and Administration of medicines 10 (47.61%) must be performed by nursing staff and, considering the System unsafe, 9 (42.85%) interviewed. Final Considerations: The SDMDU is a process that brings greater safety to the patient. The nurse must know the responsibility for medication administration as something important within the set of activities that he performs, since the implementation of the SDMDU reflects directly on the activities of the nursing team.

Author Biographies

Sandra Alves Neves Araújo

Nurse. Master in Health Sciences from Universidade Guarulhos. Specialist in Patient Safety from Fundação Oswaldo Cruz.

Ana Maria Abrunhosa Vasconcelos

Nurse, Specialist in Patient Safety from Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Technical Health Directorate of Hospital Infantil Cândido Fontoura. Preceptor of internship at Nove de Julho University.

Maria Wilsa Cabral Rodrigues de Sousa

Nurse. Master in Health Systems Management from Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE) and Specialization in Nursing in Intensive Care and Emergency to Children and Adolescents by ICR / FMUSP.

Wilza Cabral Rodrigues da Silva

Nurse. Master in Health Sciences by the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences of the Institute of Medical Assistance to the State civil servant.

Paula Cristina Xavier de Souza

Graduating from the nursing course at Universidade Nove de Julho.



How to Cite

Alves Neves Araújo, S. ., Abrunhosa Vasconcelos, A. M. ., Cabral Rodrigues de Sousa , M. W. ., Cabral Rodrigues da Silva, W., & Xavier de Souza, P. C. . (2020). Perception of nursing students in patient safety with unit dose medication system. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 23(268), 4589–4607.



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