Nurses conduct in the surgical center in the COVID-19 pandemic scenario




Nurse, Surgical Centers, Surgical Center Nursing, Pandemics, Covid-19


Objective: to describe what has been scientifically written about the adequacy of nurse assistance in the surgical center in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review. As inclusion criteria, the following were chosen: full articles available in Portuguese and English, published from 2020, the year the pandemic started until January 2022. For data organization and analysis, the Content Analysis Method was used . Results: Eight articles were selected. As categories of analysis, the following themes emerged: the establishment of specific operational protocols for performing surgeries during the Covid-19 pandemic and the need to readjust health professionals and the importance of the nurse in this context. conclusion: The nurse played a fundamental role in the entire process of structuring and directing patient care, highlighting her potential as a protagonist in the health care process.

Author Biographies

Simone Santos Souza

Nurse, Professor at the Jorge Amado University Center, Salvador (BA), Brazil. Master in Nursing and Health from the Federal University of Bahia.

Mariane Teixeira Dantas Farias

Nurse, Student of the PPGENF at the Federal University of Bahia, Salvador (BA), Brazil. Master in Health Technologies - Bahia School of Medicine and Public Health.

Anny Karoliny das Chagas Bandeira

Nurse, professor at the Jorge Amado University Center and the University Center for Technology and Science, Salvador (BA), Brazil. Master in Collective Health.

Mirthis Sento Sé Pimentel Magalhães

Nurse, Professor at Centro Universitário Jorge Amado and Faculdade Update, Salvador (BA), Brazil. Master in Nursing and Health. Federal university of Bahia.

Marta Gabriele Santos Sales

Nurse, Student of the PPGENF at the Federal University of Bahia, Salvador (BA), Brazil. Master in Nursing and Health. Federal university of Bahia.

Andreia Silva Rodrigues

Enfermeira, Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Salvador, Salvador (BA), Brasil. Doutora em Enfermagem e Saúde pela Universidade Federal da Bahia.

Mônica Costa de Abreu

Biologist, Veterinary Doctor. Professor at Universidade Salvador, Salvador (BA), Brazil. Master in Zoology from the State University of Feira de Santana.

Paloma de Castro Brandão

Professor at the School of Nursing at the Federal University of Bahia, Salvador (BA), Brazil. Doctor in Public Health.



How to Cite

Santos Souza, S., Dantas Farias, M. T., das Chagas Bandeira, A. K., Sé Pimentel Magalhães, M. S., Santos Sales, M. G., Silva Rodrigues, A., Costa de Abreu, M., & de Castro Brandão, P. (2022). Nurses conduct in the surgical center in the COVID-19 pandemic scenario. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 25(291), 8394–8403.



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