Electrocardiography, Emergency Medical Services, Health Care TechnologyAbstract
Objective: To develop and validate a digital tool that assists in the diagnosis and management of the main electrocardiographic alterations in pediatric emergency care. Methodology: A tool was developed that used ECG images obtained from textbooks and printed exams, without identifying the patients. Resources such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, the iPhone 13 for recording and the Capcut program for editing the videos were used. This digital technology went through a validation process by expert judges using the Likert scale. Results: The product was evaluated by a total of 7 judges, 5 (71.4%) of whom were pediatric and cardiology physicians. By analyzing in detail the 3 criteria: Applicability; Objectivity, Structure and Organization; a complete validation of the tool was observed with the experts, obtaining a total CVI (Content Validity Index). Conclusion: This educational tool will allow, through its applicability, an improvement in pediatric emergency care
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