Patients from a Normal Birth Center Treated at the Hospital: Spontaneous or Referrend Demand?
Birthing centers, Obstetric Nursing, Natural Childbirth, Decision Making, Patient TransferAbstract
OBJECTIVE: To understand the causes of spontaneous and referred demand for laboring women linked to the Maternity House to the Referral Hospital in the Federal District. METHOD: Descriptive, cross-sectional, prospective epidemiological study with a quantitative-qualitative approach.Participants: Postpartum women treated at the hospital, either referred or by spontaneous demand, between August and December 2024. Data Collection Instrument: Semi-structured interview with socio-economic and obstetric profile data, causes of hospitalization,
and analysis of the medical records. RESULT: 95 postpartum women participated, with 31 referred by prenatal care, 47 by the Maternity House, and 17 by spontaneous demand. CONCLUSION: Most women are referred to the hospital unit by prenatal care or the Maternity House due to unusual gestational risks or those outside the institutional protocol. Fear of complications, lack of knowledge of active labor signs, and failures in the service flow are among the causes of spontaneous demand.
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