Persona Mapping and Identifying Critical Factors Affecting the Patient Experience from the Perspective of Nursing Professionals in an Outpatient Service
Patient Satisfaction, Quality of Health Care Patient, Centered Care, Ambulatory CareAbstract
Objective: To identify the factors that influence patient experience and those that can modify satisfaction with nursing care, map the patient persona of the outpatient service, and identify critical points in the process. Method: A descriptive-exploratory, qualitative study. The sample was obtained by convenience and included patients, nursing staff professionals, and managerial documents provided by the coordination of a private outpatient clinic in Barueri, São Paulo, in 2024. Data analysis was based on Thematic Content Analysis. Results: The study included 13 professionals and one patient. Communication and service agility were the factors that most impacted the patient’s experience in the service. Lexical analysis generated a dendrogram with the following categories: patient characteristics (1), logistics and medication management (2), flow and care provision (3), quality of care and patient experience (4), and patient care and needs (5). The persona was constructed and revealed that the bond between the patient and the healthcare team is crucial for a positive service experience. Conclusion: The factors contributing to patient experience were effective communication and service agility. The service persona was identified and mapped, revealing that their bond with the team and the service is a key factor predisposing the patient to a better experience. The critical points identified were infrastructure aspects, administrative processes, and patients' idealized expectations.
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